Monday, September 14, 2009

Homeschooling Day 1

Okay, first off..let me just state that my kids go to public school. However, Boy B has been absent from school almost as much as he has been there. Today, he woke up with a cough (that reason alone will get him sent home from school) and a sore throat again. Seriously. His ear feels fine, by the way. Go figure, right?

So, anyhow, today we are homeschooling.

Boy B and Girlie started off the day with some Starfall activities. They did the "ABC's Let's get ready to read" online activities for the letters Aa and Bb. Then I decided that we would do a more planned out lesson for those, so then I downloaded the Aa worksheet packet from the Starfall site as well.

I printed off an A worksheet for Girlie and printed her off an apple coloring page as well.

I think we will do something with apples today. Maybe make something with apples? Apple pie or apple bread as I am in a baking mood today. And maybe read some books that strongly emphasize the letter A. I'll have to check on the Internet to see what I can find because this wasn't exactly a planned activity.

I'll have to come back and let you know what we did. It's a "wing it" kind of day.

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