Friday, October 02, 2009

Finish It Friday - Fridge Clean Out many things to finish today, but because of the way appointments were set up today, not much actually got finished. I had an 8:00am dentist appointment that I decided to cancel, since our older boys stayed the night at Grandma M's house last night and I was able to sleep in. (I did cancel prior to the appointment time though!) We had an 11:00 teaching appointment for Boy C, as we cancelled his usual Tuesday morning teaching session earlier this week. And then I had a 12:30 appointment clear across town that lasted about an hour. Then went to my mom's house and picked her up so she could come over and watch the little kids and be here when the big kids got home from school. Hubby and I went to Red Robin to use our $20.00 credit on our loyalty card, then we went grocery shopping. Maybe that's what I finished up today - grocery shopping (and the typical clean-out-the-fridge-so-I-can-put-the-new-groceries-away routine that immediately follows shopping). I took my mom back home and Boy B went with her as well. We had friends over for cards after dinner and it was a lot of fun overall! I also tackled a huge pile of dishes that have piled up this week. Yuck! Not planning on that one happening again!