Saturday, October 24, 2009

Saturday Savers

This is all about those tips and tricks that you have acquired through your life that save you time, money or sanity.

My savers for today are money-related:

1. Shop sales. I love a good sale and will stock up when things are at rock-bottom prices. The key thing is to only by it if you actually need it and will use it. Some of my favorite items to stock up on are school/office supplies in the month before school starts. Boxes of crayons for 20 cents, rulers for a quarter, flue sticks or bottles for 20 centers, a package of pencils for a dollar, notebooks for a dime apiece, things like that. I just love it all.

2. Shop used stores. I love buying excellent quality clothing and furniture, kids' gear and toys or books from secondhand stores. We have a few kid-specific stores here. I can often find very inexpensive clothing for my kids at these stores. Often, I can even find brand names, which don't really matter to me or my kids, but they do have a better resale value than other brands for when my kids outgrow them.

3. Shop used stores' sales. My husband likes to joke that I'm so cheap that I won't even pay regular used store prices. But it's true! If I can, I wait for the used stores to have sales. One of my favorites is a locally owned store that is also run by the woman who owns it. Twice a year, (generally the last week of June and January) she has a HUGE sale. Usually the discount is something like 10% off on Monday, 20% off on Tuesday, so on and so forth until Saturday when the discount is 60% off (if not more). She is closed on Sundays, which is another quality I like. The sale in June is all spring and summer clothing (and really, its the perfect time for it because it's just beginning to get consistently warm enough for it) and in January, it is fall and winter apparel that is on sale. She even has a regular discount program and you get 20% off your entire purchase with all the stamps on a card filled. She even lets you use this on top of the clearance sale. Very nice!

Okay, those are my three tips for the day. Hope that helps you out some. Tell me what your "savers" are by signing the MckLinky below. Be sure to link to your individual post and not your main page to make it easy for others to find your post. Thanks!